Hello!! I’m Dawn Barrett the Extended Learning Coach at Ivy Hall! I will be working as an instructional coach with all teachers and students this year to assist with enrichment and extension embedded into the classroom content areas. The purpose of coaching is to improve teaching and learning by supporting teachers in applying best practices to increase student learning. I look forward to this on-going, job-embedded, results-driven and standards-based guidance when working with teachers. I am excited for this school year!!

So excited to be working with Ivy Hall this year.
Dawn Barrett
Reading Specialist/Literacy Coach
Hi! My name is Lisa May and I am fortunate to play two very important roles at Ivy Hall Elementary School. My first role is as Reading Specialist, and my second role is Literacy Coach. As reading specialist, I work with all first grade classes and teachers in a program called Team Read. Team Read gives me the opportunity to work with all first graders every day. We read together, write together, and spend some our time building words. I have a great team of teachers that work with me each day to help our first graders grow as independent, life-long readers. As literacy coach, I work with classroom teachers and other staff to bring what is new in the world of reading instruction to the classroom. I work with teachers to plan great instruction, as well as teaching in the classrooms whenever I can. I am lucky to work with such great teachers!
I may be reached at lmay@kcsd96.org.
Lisa May
Technology Coach
Hi! I am Jessica Mandell and I am the Technology Coach! I help Ivy Hall staff learn about new technology. I also help teachers seamlessly integrate technology into their classroom instruction in order to help students learn 21st Century Skills. Within each classroom there are 5 iPads and 6 laptop computers. Also, every classroom teacher has a Promethean Board! With all of this engaging technology, students can spend time creating, collaborating, critically thinking, and communicating in order to share their learning with their teachers, families, and peers. I love working at Ivy Hall with all of the wonderful staff and students!
I may be reached at jmandell@kcsd96.org.
Jessica Mandell
Information, Communication, Technology Coach
I'm very happy to be starting another year of learning with the students and staff here at Ivy Hall. My role as Information and Communication Technology Literacy Coach, enables me to collaborate with all grade level teams and ELST coaches to introduce and extend science and social studies concepts to all of our students. Your children will continue their learning of these and other concepts every week in our ICT Center and everyday in their classrooms.
You can find me much of the day in the Ivy Hall Learning Center where I'll be helping students find their favorite books, soon to be favorite authors, and the best information to add to that important report or project that's probably due tomorrow. If I'm not there, I'm usually meeting or team teaching with our fabulous Ivy Hall classroom teachers.
I may be reached at ekoday@kcsd96.org
Ed Koday
Todd Halstead
ELL Specialist
Hi. I’m Todd Halstead and I am excited to start a new year as the ELL Specialist at Ivy Hall. My role allows me the chance to work with almost all the teachers in supporting their English Language Learners. It also allows me to work with students across all the grade levels so everyday is new and fun. I love experimenting with new resources for the classroom and finding creative ways to meet the language needs of the students.
If you ever have any questions about materials or strategies I am always available to help. My office is in room 312, but I am usually moving throughout the school. You can always email me with questions @ thalstead@kcsd96.org and I will get right back to you.
Todd Halstead