Thursday, October 3, 2013

One of the 4 C's - Communication

Our students are constantly communicating with each other.  However, in today's world, communication is done primarily through mobile devices.  Our students are and will continue to text, G-chat, email, blog, Tweet, and Facebook message friends, family, and even people they do not know.  Last year, author Chenda Ngak, of an article on wrote that teenagers are sending about 60 text messages A DAY!

With such public forums, how do we make sure our students are communicating appropriately?  We must do what we always do as teachers and model appropriate communication skills and etiquette on social networking sites and on mobile devices.

Some examples of etiquette on the internet, otherwise known as "netiquette," include:

1. Keep your personal information private.
2. Try to keep the tone of your writing positive with no unexpected language.
3. Know your audience.
4. Make sure that what you write is true and accurate.
5. Give credit where credit is due.
6. Proofread
7. Make sure your message is clear and to the point.

A great, and safe, forum to get your students started on communicating with one another is Check out the video below to see how Padlet works.  How can you see using this in your classroom?

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